DIG-SENSING Project Presentation.
rganized: by each university .Meeting all partners at 13.00, on line on ZOOM. Presentation UTCN: 3rd March 12:00
Duration: 1 hour
Zoom link 23.02 UTCN Link 3.03Virtual courses and experiments will be taught during webinars by teachers from partner universities.
students will collaborate in designing electronic circuits with colleagues from other 3 partner universities
students will implement their projects at Universitat Politècnica de València in a summer camp, in July 2023
Summer Camp Program: 17-21 July 2023 , Valencia
Summer Camp More info: Prizes , photos and video
from 4 universities:
In this project, the participating students must face a challenge that brings Information and Communication Technologies closer to socio-environmental problems.
To promote learning in digital circuit design and basics microcontroller coding.
1st and 2nd-year students from UPV, UASV, UL, TUCN from specializations : computer science, computer engineering, electronic & electrical engineering, robotics, mechatronics, mechanical engineering
Projects will be implemented in teams with students from 3/4 other partner universities in Valencia between 17-21 July 2023 at the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain.
Detailed program available soon.
Four webinars will be offered for students by professors from partner universities. Webinars Program will be available soon.
On line Resources and recorded webinars will be available soon.
Students will be selected based on a CV and best projects proposals that must have a socio-environmental orientation, identifying a practical solution to proposed challenges. Deadline for sending proposal is 17 May 2023. template herE
Students will receive 70 euro/day for minimum 5 days for the summer camp in Valencia.
Travel costs can be paid only for green travel (train, bus, car), for both ways of travel (mximum equivalent of 4 days x 70 euro)
Students will receive 3 credits for all the blended activities from each partner university.
During the summer camp in Valencia a competition with the students projects will be organized.
Students will contact the project coordinator from each partner university
School of Informatics; Department of Computer Engineering;
Camino de Vera s/n;
Valencia 46022;
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
400027 Cluj-Napoca,
26-28 Baritiu str.,
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering;
Faculty of Science and Engineering;
FH Campus Wien
Department Engineering
Favoritenstraße 226,
Raum B.3.21a;
1100 Wien, Austria
DIG-SENSING Project Presentation.
rganized: by each university .Meeting all partners at 13.00, on line on ZOOM. Presentation UTCN: 3rd March 12:00
Duration: 1 hour
Zoom link 23.02 UTCN Link 3.03Introduction to microcontrollers
Taught by: Prof. Thomas Fischer , live webinar on Zoom, Meeting-ID: 922 0927 3750 . The webinar will be recorded .
Duration: 1 hour
LINK to webinarIntroduction to ARDUINO IDE & libraries
Taught by: Prof. Ian Grout, live webinar. The webinar will be recorded.
Duration: 1 hour
LINK to WEBINARUsing sensors and actuators for practical experiments
Taught by: Prof. José V. Benlloch-Dualde. The webinar will be recorded.
Duration: 1 hour + hands-on session
LINK TO WEBINARImplementation of practical projects during summer camp in Valencia
Organized by: Universitat Politechnica di Valencia, Spain.
Duration: 1 week
Program Link to Preparatory meeting 11.07.2023 ( Meeting change to Teams!!)