
Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)

Digital Circuits &
Electronics to Sensing

Learn about electronic circuits, senzors and microcontrollers through virtual courses


Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)

Digital Circuits &
Electronics to Sensing  

Design a project with a socio-environmental orientation within an international team of students


Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)

Digital Circuits &
Electronics to Sensing

Implement your project at Universitat Politècnica de València, in a summer school, July 2023

Learn through virtual courses

Virtual courses and experiments will be taught during webinars by teachers from partner universities.

Design Project in International Teams

students will collaborate in designing electronic circuits with colleagues from other 3 partner universities

Implement Project in Valencia

students will implement their projects at Universitat Politècnica de València in a summer camp, in July 2023

project information

DIG-SENSING is an Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) with the main objective to promote learning in digital circuit design and basics microcontroller coding.

This project is aimed at first- and second-year computer science, computer engineering, electronic engineering, robotics, informatics students, and similar. The objective is to increase the motivation of our students in electronic circuits through simple projects that integrate the design of electronic circuits and the programming of microcontrollers. In addition, these projects will have a socio-environmental orientation, bringing computing closer to the identification of practical solutions to proposed challenges.

The BIP aims to:


from 4 universities:

  • Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
  • University of Applied Sciences Vienna, Austria
  • University of Limerick, Ireland
  • Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

In this project, the participating students must face a challenge that brings Information and Communication Technologies closer to socio-environmental problems.


project activities

The project has three stages:

  1. Students’ online training. They will learn examples and foundations related to the curricular objectives. In addition, they will receive extracurricular training for their educational level on embedded systems and sensors.
  2. Students’ online interaction. They will contact to form the teams and prepare the challenge. They will have local face-to-face support.
  3. Physical training. In Valencia, for 5 days, each team will develop the artifact.

students' projects

The projects are open and will be supervised by the professor responsible for each university. The project consists of designing a prototype to sensorize some type of parameter or parameters in response to a socio-environmental problem. Projects must meet certain conditions:

  1. The circuits will integrate sensors and actuators that require calibration, compensation or regulation with semiconductor components such as diodes or transistors. Designs are expected to have low complexity.
  2. Each project will also integrate an FireBeetle board or similar, compatible with Arduino IDE
  3. The prototypes can be assembled with prototyping boards, cables and instrumentation of a typical teaching laboratory (i.e. power supply, multimeters and oscilloscopes)

project coordinators

Students will contact the project coordinator from each partner university

teacher img

Sara Blanc

Universitat Politechnica di Valencia

School of Informatics; Department of Computer Engineering;
Camino de Vera s/n;
Valencia 46022;

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Laura Grindei

Technical University of Cluj Napoca

Faculty of Electrical Engineering
400027 Cluj-Napoca,
26-28 Baritiu str.,

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Ian Grout

University of Limerick

Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering;
Faculty of Science and Engineering;

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Thomas Fisher

University of Applied Sciences Vienna

FH Campus Wien
Department Engineering
Favoritenstraße 226,
Raum B.3.21a;
1100 Wien, Austria